Apply for Your Seat at the

100 Million Mastermind Experience “Preview” Event at a Private Mega-Mansion in

San Diego, CA on July 13th, 2021

Yes, the 100 Million Mastermind Experience is the most elite and exclusive business mastermind in existence, and now qualified candidates can experience a special “preview” evening at an epic location...



Joel Marion is the Co-Founder and CMO of BioTrust Nutrition which has driven over $700MM in sales online while amassing email lists exceeding 20MM subscribers and 5MM customers. Additionally, Joel’s social media following, top-ranked podcast, and highly sought-after keynote speaking presentations have reached millions more.

Joel is also a 6-time bestselling eBook author, owner of multiple 8-figure “side businesses”, and along the way has donated over 5MM healthy meals to hungry kids in the USA.


Dan Fleyshman is a serial entrepreneur and the youngest founder ever to take a company public, traveling the country at age 23 selling energy drinks into 55,000 retail stores. Since then Dan has angel invested in 36 companies, spoken at over 200 events and thrown 40 “Elevator Nights” events with thousands of attendees.

Additionally, Dan’s social media agency has spent more on Instagram influencer & celebrity posts than any other company in history, exceeding $60,000,000 the past few years.

Meet Your 100MME Mastermind Instructors:

Neil Patel

Top 30 entrepreneurs under 30 by Obama; Top 30 under 35 by the United Nations

Jim Kwik

Brain & memory coach to Hollywood’s elite A-list actors

Marcus Lemonis

CEO of Camping World and star of CNBC’s The Profit

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street; Sales Genius

Elliott Bisnow

World-renowned venture investor, owner of Powder Mountain & founder of Summit Series

Marshall Sylver

#1 closer on stage & infomercials with over $500M in sales

Billy Gene

Over 400M video views, generating 7 figures a month through video marketing on social media

Matt Morgan

Founder of Reef Dispensary; over $100M/year

Walter O’Brien

Founder of SCORPION and Executive Producer

Josh Aven

$200M+ spend on FB ads in 2018

Josh Bezoni

BioTrust Co-Founder; $600M+ in sales

Warren Jolly

Investor & growth marketing expert with $1B+ in revenue generated

Dave Meltzer

Former CEO Leigh Steinberg [who Jerry McGuire was based on], CEO Sports 1 Management

Chase Hero

Over $650M in eCommerce sales

Zak Folkman

Over $650M in eCommerce sales

Brian Norgard

Former CRO of Tinder; 9 figures per month

Joey Carson

Former CEO at Bunim Murray, Head of Production Fox 20th Television and Board Member, Executive Producer World Poker Tour

Adrian Morrison

Over $100M/year VSL specialists

Anthony Morrison

Over $100M/year VSL specialists

Jason Arasheben

Celebrity jeweller with retail stores globally

Aaron Wagner

The founder and managing partner of Wags Capital. He has portfolio investments in over 25 thriving brands and is the principal developer of over $400 million in real estate developments.

Kent Clothier

The CEO of Real Estate Worldwide and closed over $1 Billion in real estate deals. Purchased and sold over 5,000 properties since 2005.

Cole Hatter

CEO of Thrive, personally flipped hundreds of homes and has sold over $150 million in products to live audiences from stage.

Cody Sperber

AKA “The Clever Investor” has flipped and consulted on more than 1,000 properties.


  • An exclusive Mastermind evening hosted at a luxury mega-mansion with a private chef dinner
  • Includes a tactical marketing presentation from 100MME Co-Founder Joel Marion with Q&A (Co-Founder of Biotrust, 17M+ email subscribers, 15M+ products shipped, 3.5M+ customers)
  • Includes facilitated and intentional introductions, networking and problem solving


  • 100M Mastermind Experience Co-Founders Joel Marion and Dan Fleyshman
  • Select 100M Mastermind Experience 9-figure Instructors
  • Select 100M Mastermind Experience members
  • Qualified guests (application below) who are potentially interested in joining the main 100M Mastermind Experience as a member (no obligation, but a genuine interest in potentially joining the $100K annual main mastermind is appreciated; seats are very limited)


July 13th from 6:00PM to 9:00PM


Private Mega-Mansion in San Diego (July 13th)


In full transparency, this is a preview event for the 100 Million Mastermind Experience, open to high-level entrepreneurs who are interested in learning more and potentially joining the elite group we are making available, full of dozens of 7 to 9 figure entrepreneurs (we are currently almost 90% sold out).

It will be run just like one of the evenings at our $100K paid events, with tactical presentations, intentional and structured networking, problem-solving, curated introductions, and huge value... all at a private and exclusive mega-mansion venue.

We could easily charge $5,000+ to attend this type of exclusive gathering, but this event is being made available for qualified guests at no charge.

A “qualified guest” is:

  • Someone who owns and operates a business doing at least 7-figures annually, AND
  • Someone who is open to potentially joining the full annual $100M Mastermind Experience group (membership is $100K annually and is truly unlike any other mastermind in existence)

NOTE: For full details on the annual mastermind with our next event being August 20th – 22nd, 2021 PLEASE CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE and to ensure you have interest.

At the end of the evening, there will be an opportunity to join the main mastermind with an extra incentive if interested, no obligation or high pressure whatsoever.

That said, space is limited and if you have zero interest in potentially joining the annual 100 Million Mastermind Experience group, please do NOT apply and please do not take a seat away from someone else who would be.

Anyone who is doing at least 7-figures gross and is open to learning more about the group and potentially joining, we welcome your application to attend this ultra-exclusive event. Zero cost if selected. You will be contacted within 24 hours with acceptance or if further information is needed.

Apply to Attend Our Preview Dinner
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